Author Title Date
Wagar, W. Warren City of Man 1963
Wallace-Murphy & Hopkins Rosslyn: Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail 2000
Waldron, E.S. Pre-Natal Casting of the Horoscope 1934
Walsh, R. & Vaughan, F. eds. Beyond Ego: transpersonal dimensions in psychology 1980
Walsh, Roger Staying Alive; Psychology of Human Survival 1984
Watts, Alan W. Easter: Its Story and Meaning 1950
Watts, Alan W. Spirit of Zen 1960
Weatherhead, Leslie D. Case for Reincarnation (booklet) 1957
Weatherhead, Leslie D. Manner of the Resurrection 1959
Wei Tat Exposition of the I-Ching 1970
Weiss, Clara A. Astrological Keys to Self-Actualization & Self-Realizatio 1980
Welch, I.David et al (eds.) Humanistic Psychology: a source book 1978
White, David Contortio Mundi (poetry) 2013
Whitmore, Diana Psychosynthesis in Education 1986
Widutis, Florence Yours is the Power 1957
Wilber, Ken Atman Project 1980
Wilber, Ken Sociable God 1984
Wilber, Ken Up from Eden 1983
Wilhelm, Hellmut Change: Eight Lectures on the I-Ching 1964
Wilhelm, Richard (trans.) I Ching, or Book of Changes 1967
Wilhelm, Richard (trans.) Secret of the Golden Flower 1935
Williams, John Alden (ed.) Islam 1963
Wilmshurst, W.L. Meaning of Masonry 1959
Wilson, Colin The Occult: A History 1971
Wilson, Onslow H. (ed.) Mind as Healer 1987
Wilson, Onslow H.   Glands - the Mirror of the Self 1983
Woito, Robert To End War; a new approach to international conflict 1982
Wood, Ernest (trans.) Bhagavad Gita Explained 1954
Wood, Ernest   Character Building: a practical course 1924
Wood, Ernest Concentration   1985
Wood, Ernest Glorious Presence 1951
Wood, Ernest Intuition of the Will 1949
Wood, Ernest Memory Training: a practical course 1925
Wood, Ernest Mind and Memory Training 1947
Wood, Ernest (trans.) Practical Yoga: Ancient and Modern (Patanjali) 1948
Wood, Ernest "Secret Doctrine" Digest 1956
Wood, Ernest Seven Rays  1925
Wood, Ernest Vedanta Dictionary 1964
Wood, Ernest Yoga 1959
Wood, Ernest Yoga Dictionary 1956
Yogananda, Paramahansa Autobiography of a Yogi 1981