Author Title Date
Bailey, Alice Between War and Peace 1942
Bailey, Alice Compilation on Sex 1980
Bailey, Alice Consciousness of the Atom 1922
Bailey, Alice Death: the Great Adventure 1985
Bailey, Alice Destiny of the Nations 1949
Bailey, Alice Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 1 1944
Bailey, Alice Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 2 1955
Bailey, Alice Education in the New Age 1954
Bailey, Alice Esoteric Astrology 1951
Bailey, Alice Esoteric Healing 1953
Bailey, Alice Esoteric Psychology,Vol. 1 1936
Bailey, Alice Esoteric Psychology,Vol. 2 1942
Bailey, Alice Externalisation of the Hierarchy 1957
Bailey, Alice From Bethlehem to Calvary 1937
Bailey, Alice From Intellect to Intuition 1932
Bailey, Alice Glamour: a World Problem 1950
Bailey, Alice Initiation, Human and Solar 1922
Bailey, Alice Labours of Hercules 1977
Bailey, Alice Letters on Occult Meditation 1922
Bailey, Alice Light of the Soul 1927
Bailey, Alice The Next Three Years: 1934-42 (3 pamphlets) undated
Bailey, Alice Ponder on This (a compilation) 1971
Bailey, Alice Problems of Humanity 1947
Bailey, Alice Rays and the Initiations 1960
Bailey, Alice Reappearance of the Christ 1948
Bailey, Alice Serving Humanity (a compilation) 1972
Bailey, Alice Seven Rays of Life (a compilation) 1995
Bailey, Alice Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age (compilation) 1995
Bailey, Alice Soul and its Mechanism: The Problem of Psychology 1930
Bailey, Alice Soul: The Quality of Life (compilation) 1974
Bailey, Alice Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle 1950
Bailey, Alice Treatise on Cosmic Fire 1925
Bailey, Alice Treatise on White Magic 1934
Bailey, Alice Unfinished Autobiography 1951
Bailey, Foster Changing Esoteric Values 1955
Bailey, Foster Reflections 1979
Bailey, Foster Running God's Plan 1972
Bailey, Foster Spirit of Masonry 1957
Bailey, Keith Masonry: Home of the Mysteries (talk on CD) 2007
Bailey, Keith Now Is the Time! (talk on CD) 2009
Bailey, Keith The Reappearance of the Chirst (talk on CD) 2006
Bailey, Mary Learning Experience 1990
Baker, Douglas Jewel in the Lotus 1974
Balsys, Bodo Revelation: Evolution of Transcendent Perception, V. 1 1989
Balsys, Bodo Revelation: Evolution of Transcendent Perception, V. 2 1989
Balsys, Bodo Revelation: Evolution of Transcendent Perception, V. 3 1989
Balyoz, Harold Signs of Christ 1979
Balyoz, Harold Three Remarkable Women 1986
Banks, Natalie N. Golden Thread (Continuity of Esoteric Teaching) 1999
Baumeister, Roy F. Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human 2011
Beauregard, Mario The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case 2008