Author Title Date
Abraham, Kurt Astrology as Path to Higher Consciousness 2009
Abraham, Kurt Balancing the Pairs of Opposites 1993
Abraham, Kurt Introduction to the Seven Rays 1986
Abraham, Kurt Moon Veils Vulcan & the Sun Veils Neptune 1989
Abraham, Kurt Psychological Types and the Seven Rays undated
Abraham, Kurt Seven Rays and Nations 1987
Abraham, Kurt Techniques of Soul Alignment 1997
Abraham, Kurt Threefold Method for Understanding the Seven Rays 1984
Adler, Alfred Understanding Human Nature 1927
Agni Yoga Sparks from the Flame of Agni Yoga 1978
Agni Yoga Series Agni Yoga. 5th Rev. Ed. 1980
Agni Yoga Series Aum 1936 1959
Agni Yoga Series Brotherhood 1937 1962
Agni Yoga Series Community 1926 1951
Agni Yoga Series Fiery World, Vol. 1 1933 1943
Agni Yoga Series Fiery World, Vol. 2 1934 1946
Agni Yoga Series Fiery World, Vol. 3  1935 1948
Agni Yoga Series Heart 1932. 2nd Rev. Ed. 1975
Agni Yoga Series Hierarchy 1931. 3rd Ed. 1977
Agni Yoga Series Infinity, Vol. 1 1930 1956
Agni Yoga Series Infinity, Vol. 2 1930 1957
Agni Yoga Series Leaves of Morya's Garden, Vol. 1, 1924 1953
Agni Yoga Series Leaves of Morya's Garden, Vol. 2, 1925 1952
Agni Yoga Series Mother of Agni Yoga 1956 (pamphlet) 1956
Agni Yoga Series Mother of the World 1956 (pamphlet) 1956
Agni Yoga Series Supermundane: the Inner Life, Book One, 1938 1994
Agni Yoga Series Supermundane: the Inner Life, Book Two 1938 1995
Agni Yoga Series Woman 1958 (pamphlet) 1958
Agni Yoga Society, Arizona Striving for the Light 1992
Alcyone At the Feet of the Master (pamphlet) reprint 1974
Alder, Vera Stanley Fifth Dimension: the future of mankind 1970
Alder, Vera Stanley Initiation of the World 1953
Alder, Vera Stanley Secret of the Atomic Age 1958
Allen, Myron S. Psycho-Dynamic Synthesis: key to mind power 1966
Alexander, Eben Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey 2012
Allport, Gordon W. Becoming: Basic Considerations Psych. of Personality 1957
Altman, Nathaniel AHIMSA 1980
AMORC Rosicrucian Manual 1988
Anderson, Robert A. Stress Power! How to turn tension into energy 1978
Anderson, S.R. & Hopkins, P. Feminine Face of God 1991
Anderson, Walt Open Secrets: Western Guide to Tibetan Buddhism 1979
Arguelles, Jose Earth Ascending 1984
Aristotle On Man in the Universe 1943
Arnold, Sir Edwin Light of Asia undated
Arnold, Sir Edwin, transl. Song Celestial, or Bhagavad-gita undated
Arroyo, Stephen Chart Interpretation Handbook 1989
Arroyo, S. & Greene, L. New Insights in Modern Astrology 1984
Assagioli, Roberto Act of Will 1973
Assagioli, Roberto Martha and Mary; a study of outer and inner action 1975
Assagioli, Roberto Psychosynthesis: Manual of principles and techniques 1965
Assagioli, Roberto Psychosynthesis Typology 1983
Assagioli, Roberto Transpersonal Development 1991
Aurobindo Essays on the Gita 1950
Aurobindo Life Divine 1951
Aurobindo Synthesis of Yoga 1950