Author Title Date
Macy, Mark Solutions for a Troubled World 1987
Maclean, Dorothy The Soul of Canada (booklet) 1977
Maclean, Dorothy To Hear the Angels Sing 1980
Magor, Nancy Pain and its Transforming Power (pamphlet) 1969
Magor, Nancy Significance of the Heart (pamphlet) 1972
Mann, Richard D. Light of Consciousness 1984
Martin, P.W. Experiment in Depth 1958
Maslow, Abraham Eupsycian Management: a Journal 1965
Maslow, Abraham Farther Reaches of Human Nature 1971
Maslow, Abraham Motivation and Personality 1970
Maslow, Abraham New Knowledge in Human Values 1959
Maslow, Abraham Psychology of Science: a Reconnaissance 1966
Maslow, Abraham Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences 1964
Maslow, Abraham Toward a Psychology of Being 1962
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor Kabbalah Unveiled 1926
May, Rollo Love and Will 1969
May, Rollo Man's Search for Himself 1953
McLaughlin, Corinne How to Evaluate Guidance & Channeling (booklet) 1987
McLaughlin, Corinne & G. Davidson Spiritual Politics 1994
McTaggart, Lynne The Field: The Secret Force of the Universe 2002
Mead, G.R.S. Thrice Greatest Hermes, V. 1: Prolegomena 1949
Mead, G.R.S. Thrice Greatest Hermes, V. 2: Sermons 1949
Mead, G.R.S. Thrice Greatest Hermes, V. 3: Excerpts and Fragments 1949
Mead, James Truth about Judas: Mysteries of the Judas Code 2007
Meek, George W. From Enigma to Science 1973
Mele, Alfred R. Effective Intentions: The Power of Conscious Will 2009
Merchant, Francis Golden Hoard 1959
Merchant, Francis Metaphysical Psychology and Metaphysical Counseling 1982
Merchant, Francis Search for Identity 1967
Merchant, Francis Tail of the Dragon and other works 1985
Meyer, Michael R. Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer 1974
Millman, Dan The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation 1995
Mindell, Arnold The Shaman's Body:A New Shamanism for Health 1993
Moody, Raymond A. Jr. Life After Life 1977
Moody, Raymond A. Jr. Reflections on Life After Life 1978
Moore, M. & Douglas, M. Astrology: the Divine Science 1971
Moore, Marcia Hypersentience 1976
Moore, Robert L. Personal Search (booklet) 1968
Moore, Bloomfield Keely and his Discoveries 1893
Moses, H., & Dumas, J. Quest of the Ear: Humanity's Search (concert on CD) 2009
Moustakas, Clark E. (ed.) Self: Explorations in Personal Growth 1956
Muller, Robert Birth of a Global Civilization 1991
Muller, Robert New Genesis 1982
Muller, Robert Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness 1978
Mundy, Talbot I Say Sunrise 1963
Murchie, Guy Music of the Spheres: Space, Time and Matter 1961
Naranjo, C. & Ornstein, R.E. On the Psychology of Meditation 1971
Nash, John Christianity: The One, the Many (2 vols.) 2007
Nash, John Quest for the Soul 2004
Nash, John The Soul and Its Destiny 2004
Nearing, Helen (comp.) Light on Aging and Dying: wise words 1995
Negus, Joan Astro-Alchemy: Making the Most of Your Transits 1985
Nethercot, Arthur H. First Five Lives of A. Besant 1960
Newburn, Kathy A Planetary Awakening 2007
Nhat Hanh, Thich Living Buddha, Living Christ 1995
Nicholson, Shirley Ancient Wisdom Modern Insight 1985
Nikhilananda, Swami (trans.) Vedantasara of Sadananda 1931
Nouy, Lecomte du Human Destiny 1947