Author |
Title |
Date |
Easwaran, Eknath |
Dialogue with Death |
1981 |
Easwaran, Eknath |
Meditation: An Eight-Point Program |
1980 |
Eastcott, Michal |
Invocation - Its Fundamentals and Practice (pamphlet) |
Eastcott, Michal |
Jacob's Ladder: introductory approach to ageless wisdo |
1966 |
Eastcott, Michal |
Meditation and the Rhythm of the Year (pamphlet) |
1991 |
Eastcott, Michal |
Phenomenon of Death (pamphlet) |
Eastcott, Michal |
Silent Path: introduction to meditation |
1969 |
Eastcott, Michal |
Spiritual Hierarchy of the World (pamphlet) |
1973 |
Eastcott, Michal |
Work of the Master Djwhal Khul |
1974 |
Eastcott, Michal & N. Magor |
Entering Aquarius (pamphlet) |
1971 |
Eastcott, Michal & N. Magor |
Plan and the Path (pamphlet) |
1964 |
Edgerton, Franklin |
The Bhagavad Gita |
1972 |
Edmunds, H. Tudor (ed.) |
Psychism and the Unconscious Mind |
1974 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
The Sage from Concord (compilation) |
1985 |
Evans-Wentz, W.Y. |
Tibetan Book of the Dead |
1949 |
Evans-Wentz, W.Y. |
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines |
1935 |
Evans-Wentz, W.Y. |
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa |
1928 |
Ferencz, B. & K. Keyes |
Planethood: the Key to your Future |
1991 |
Ferguson, Marilyn |
Aquarian Conspiracy |
1987 |
Ferrucci, Piero |
Beauty and the Soul: The Power of Beuty to Heal |
2009 |
Ferrucci, Piero |
Inevitable Grace |
1990 |
Ferrucci, Piero |
Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits |
2006 |
Ferrucci, Piero |
What We May Be |
1982 |
Ferrucci, Piero |
What We May Be [new edition] |
2004 |
Ferrucci, Piero |
Your Inner Will: Finding Personal Strength |
2014 |
Findhorn Community |
Findhorn Garden |
1975 |
Flanigan, Beverly |
Forgiving the Unforgivable |
1992 |
Fox, Matthew |
Prayer: a Radical Response to Life |
1972 |
Frankl, Viktor |
Doctor and the Soul |
1973 |
Frankl, Viktor |
Unconscious God |
1975 |
Frankl, Viktor |
Unheard Cry for Meaning |
1978 |
Frazer, James G. |
Golden Bough: a study in magic and religion |
1947 |
Fromm, Erich |
Art of Loving |
1962 |
Fromm, Erich |
Beyond the Chains of Illusion: Marx and Freud |
1963 |
Fromm, Erich |
Forgotten Language |
1957 |
Fromm, Erich |
Psychoanalysis and Religion |
1956 |
Fromm, Erich |
To Have or To Be? |
1976 |
Fuller, R. Buckminster |
No More Secondhand God and other writings |
1971 |
Fuller, R. Buckminster |
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth |
1969 |
Gall, Edward |
Mysteries of the Spiritual Ascent (pamphlet) |
undated |
Gandhi, Mahatma |
Essential Gandhi, his life, work and ideas |
1983 |
Gang, Lynn & Maver |
Conscious Education: the Bridge to Freedom |
1992 |
Gardner, Edward |
The Play of Consciousness in the Web of the Universe |
1987 |
Gardner, Laurence |
Bloodline of the Holy Grail: Hidden Lineage of Jesus |
1996 |
Gaskell, G.A. |
Dictionary of the Sacred Language of Scriptures & Myth |
1923 |
Gibb, Hamilton A.R. |
Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey |
1953 |
Gibran, Kahlil |
Jesus, the Son of Man: His Words and Deeds |
1978 |
Gibran, Kahlil |
Prophet |
1943 |
Goble, Frank G. |
Third Force: the Psychology of Abraham Maslow |
1970 |
Goddard, Dwight (ed.) |
Buddhist Bible |
1952 |
Godwin, Malcolm |
The Holy Grail |
1994 |
Govinda, Lama Anagarika |
Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism |
1967 |
Govinda, Lama Anagarika |
Way of the White Clouds |
1966 |
Greaves, Helen |
Testimony of Light |
1969 |
Green, Elmer & Alyce |
Beyond Biofeedback |
1977 |
Gregor, Norman |
Death, the Great Illusion (booklet) |
undated |
Gregor, Norman |
There is Only Life (reprint of Death, Great Illusion) |
undated |
Gregor, Norman |
Thoughts on Reincarnation |
undated |
Grenfell, Anne Pennington |
Prelude to Eternity: A Journey to Beyond Death |
2013 |
Groce, Philip C. |
Personality and the Soul: Sixteen Women Show Us |
2001 |
Groce, Philip C. |
Religion of Physics |
2019 |
Grof, Stanislav (ed.) |
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science |
1984 |
Group for Creative Meditation |
Book of Mantrams (comp. From the Tibetan) |
undated |
Guy, Henry |
Saving the World: The Spiritualization of Matter |
2002 |