Author |
Title |
Date |
James, William |
Varieties of Religious Experience |
undated |
Jinarajadasa, C. |
First Principles of Theosophy |
1960 |
Jinarajadasa, C. |
How We Remember Our Past Lives |
1923 |
Jinarajadasa, C. |
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom 1881-1888 |
1919 |
Jocelyn, John |
Meditations on the Signs of the Zodiac |
1976 |
Johnson, Raynor C. |
Imprisoned Splendour |
1953 |
Johnson, Raynor C. |
Nurslings of Immortality |
1957 |
Johnson, Willard |
Beginner's Guide to the I Ching (pamphlet) |
1969 |
Johnston, Brenda |
Life Here and Hereafter (pamphlet) |
undated |
Johnston, Brenda |
New Age Healing (pamphlet) |
1983 |
Johnston, Charles (transl.) |
Bhagavad Gita |
1965 |
Johnston, Charles (transl.) |
Great Upanishads, Vol. 1 |
1927 |
Johnston, Charles (comm.) |
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali |
1912 |
Johnston, William |
Silent Music: the Science of Meditation |
1976 |
Judah, J. Stillson |
History and Philosophy of the Metaphysical Movements |
1967 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Integration of the Personality |
1963 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Man and His Symbols |
1964 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Memories, Dreams, Reflections |
1963 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Psyche and Symbol |
1958 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Psychology and Religion |
1947 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Psychology of the Unconscious |
1947 |
Jung, Carl G. |
Undiscovered Self |
1958 |
Jurriaanse, Aart |
Bridges |
1985 |
Jurriaanse, Aart |
Of Life and Other Worlds |
1974 |
Kandinsky, Wassily |
Concerning the Spiritual in Art |
1964 |
Karagulla, Shafica |
Breakthrough to Creativity |
1967 |
Karagulla, S. & van Gelder K. |
Chakras and the Human Energy Fields |
1989 |
Karagulla, S. & Neal, V.P. |
Through the Curtain |
1983 |
Keloharju, Raimo |
Relativity of Reality: The Nature of Unity |
1995 |
Kezer, Robert A. |
12 Years: The Long Road Back |
2001 |
Khan, Hazrat Inayat |
Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Vol. 1 |
1960 |
Khan, Hazrat Inayat |
Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Vol. 2 |
1960 |
Kilner, Walter J. |
Human Aura |
1965 |
Kilpatrick, J. & S. Danziger |
Better than Money Can Buy: The New Volunteers |
1996 |
Koch, Rudolf |
Book of Signs |
undated |
Krishnamacharya, E. |
Mystic Mantrams and Master C.V.V. |
1992 |
Krishnamacharya, E. |
Spiritual Astrology |
1983 |
Krishnamacharya, E. |
Spiritual Psychology |
1983 |
Kirshnamurti, J. |
Education and the Significance of Life |
1953 |
Kirshnamurti, J. |
The Flight of the Eagle |
1973 |
Kirshnamurti, J. |
Think on These Things |
1970 |
Kuhlewind, Georg |
From Normal to Healthy |
1988 |
Kuhlewind, Georg |
Life of the Soul |
1990 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Aquarian Master |
1993 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Hercules: The Man and the Symbol |
1999 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Jupiter: the Path of Expansion |
2001 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Mantrams. Compact Disc |
2001 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Mantrams: Their Significance and Practice |
2000 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Master E.K.: the New Age Teacher |
2001 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
On Healing |
1995 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Saturn: the Path to Systematized Growth |
2001 |
Kumar, K. Parvathi |
Sound: the Key and its Application |
undated |