Author |
Title |
Date |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Breakthrough to Higher Psychism |
1990 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Challenge for Discipleship |
1986 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Fiery Carriage and Drugs (booklet) |
1973 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Five Great Mantrams of the New Age (booklet) |
1975 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Joy and Healing |
1987 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Magnet of Life: Psychological Key to the Inner Man |
1968 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Mysteries of Willpower |
1995 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
New Dimensions in Healing; healing and the future |
1992 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Psychology of Cooperation and Group Consciousness |
1989 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Purpose of Life |
1991 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Science of Becoming Oneself |
1969 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Science of Meditation |
1971 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Symphony of the Zodiac |
1980 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Talks on Agni |
1987 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Triangles of Fire |
1977 |
Saraydarian, Torkom |
Women: Torch of the Future |
1980 |
Schmidt, Steven |
Astrology 14: Your New Sun Sign |
1970 |
Schure, Edouard |
Great Initiates: Sketch of the Secret History of Religions |
1925 |
Schure, Edouard |
Krishna and Orpheus: Great Initiates of East and West |
1919 |
Schwarz, Jack |
Human Energy Systems |
1980 |
Scott, Cyril |
Music: Its Secret Influence Throughout the Ages |
undated |
Scott, Cyril |
Outline of Modern Occultism |
1953 |
Scott, Cyril |
Vision of the Nazarene |
1955 |
Seifer, N. & M. Vieweg |
When the Soul Awakens |
2008 |
Sepharial |
New Dictionary of Astrology |
undated |
Sepharial |
New Manual of Astrology |
undated |
Shesso, Renna |
Math for Mystics |
2007 |
Shinn, Florence Scovel |
Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn (4 complete books) |
1940 |
Sidy, Richard V. |
World Diplomacy |
1992 |
Sinclair, John |
Mystical Ladder |
undated |
Sinclair, John |
Organons: Seed Groups of Nine (booklet) |
undated |
Sinclair, John |
Other Universe |
1973 |
Sinnett, A.P. |
Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett |
1948 |
Sinnett, A.P. |
Incidents in the Life of Mme. Blavatsky |
1913 |
Sliker, Gretchen |
Multiple Mind |
1992 |
Smith, Edward Reaugh |
Burning Bush |
1997 |
Smith, Eva |
Soul Expression in the Life (talk on CD) |
2009 |
Sorensen, Sigrid |
The Nodal Horoscope: Journey of the Soul (pamphlet) |
1997 |
Sorokin, Pitirim A. |
Crisis of our Age |
1941 |
Sorokin, Pitirim A. |
Forms and Techniques of Altruistic & Spiritual Growth |
1954 |
Sorokin, Pitirim A. |
Social Philosophies of an Age of Crisis |
1950 |
Sorokin, Pitirim A. |
Ways and Power of Love |
1954 |
Spangler, David (ed.) |
Conversations with John (booklet) |
1980 |
Spangler, David |
Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred |
1984 |
Spangler, David |
Initiation, Incarnation & the Will (talk on CD) |
2007 |
Spangler, David |
Laws of Manifestation |
1981 |
Spangler, David |
Links with Space (booklet) |
1978 |
Spangler, David |
Revelation: the Birth of a New Age |
1974 |
Spangler, David |
Towards a Planetary Vision |
1977 |
Stanley, C. Maxwell |
Managing Global Problems |
1979 |
Stauffer, Edith R. |
Unconditional Love and Forgiveness |
1987 |
Stearn, Jess |
Edgar Cayce - the Sleeping Prophet |
1967 |
Steindl-Rast, David |
Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer |
1984 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Curative Eurythmy |
1983 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Facing Karma (booklet) |
1975 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
East in the Light of the West |
1922 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Fifth Gospel |
1950 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
From Jesus to Christ |
1930 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Gospel of St. John |
1940 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
How to Know Higher Worlds |
1994 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Initiate Consciousness |
1928 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Karma |
1943 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment |
1947 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Knowledge and Initiation (booklet) |
1922 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Life, Nature and Cultivation of Anthroposophy |
1963 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Lord's Prayer: an Esoteric Study (booklet) |
1942 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Manifestations of Karma |
1947 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
New Art of Education |
1928 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Occult Science - an Outline |
1939 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Outline of Occult Science |
1914 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Prayer (booklet) |
1952 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path |
1990 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric |
1983 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Truth-Wrought Words |
1979 |
Stephenson, James |
Prophecy on Trial; the dated DK prophecies analyzed |
1983 |
Stevenson, Ian |
Evidence for Survival from Claimed Memories of Former I |
1961 |
Strauch, Edward H. |
Creative Conscience as Human Destiny |
2004 |
Sugrue, Thomas |
There is a River: the story of Edgar Cayce |
1957 |
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro |
Manual of Zen Buddhism |
1957 |
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro |
Zen Buddhism: selected writings |
1956 |
Swimme, Brian |
The Universe Is a Green Dragon |
1984 |