Author |
Title |
Date |
Campbell, Bruce F. |
Ancient Wisdom Revived |
1980 |
Capra, Fritjof |
Tao of Physics |
1975 |
Capra, Fritjof |
Turning Point |
1982 |
Cayce, Edgar |
Atlantis: Fact or Fiction? (pamphlet) |
1962 |
Cayce, Edgar |
Auras (pamphlet) |
1963 |
Cayce, Edgar |
Edgar Cayce's Story of Karma (Woodward, M.A.) |
1971 |
Cayce, Edgar |
Twenty-two Gems, Stones and Metals (pamphlet) |
1960 |
Cayce, Hugh Lynn |
Venture Inward |
1964 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Ashramic Group Life (booklet) |
1997 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Creative Process of Internalization (booklet) |
2004 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Creative Thinking |
2001 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Disciple and Economy. |
2002 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
How to Study the Nature of the Soul (booklet) |
1997 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Laboratory of the Soul (booklet) |
1997 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Leadership Training |
2003 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Nature of the Soul |
1993 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Path of Service (booklet) |
2002 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Soul and Its Instrument |
1995 |
Cedercrans, Lucille |
Synthetic Ashram (booklet) |
1997 |
Challoner, H.K. & Northover |
Antidote to Fear |
1963 |
Challoner, H.K. & Northover |
Out of Chaos |
1967 |
Challoner, H.K. |
Path of Healing |
1982 |
Challoner, H.K. |
Watchers of the Seven Spheres |
1933 |
Challoner, H.K. |
What of Tomorrow? The Problem of Fear |
1976 |
Challoner, H.K. |
Wheel of Rebirth |
1969 |
Chaney, Earlyne |
Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools |
1992 |
Chaney, Earlyne |
The Madonna and the Coming Light |
1993 |
Chaney, Robert |
The Essenes and Their Ancient Mysteries |
1968 |
Chaney, Robert |
The Mystic Mantra: Om Mani Padme Aum |
1999 |
Chaney, Robert |
Visits to the Manger: Enlightening Parables |
1996 |
Chatterji, Mohini |
Bhagavad Gita |
1960 |
Chaumette, Yves |
Peace Means Action. |
2001 |
Chaumette, Yves |
Source of Consciousness; an experiment approach |
2000 |
Chinmoy, Sri |
Everest - Aspiration |
1987 |
Chinmoy, Sri |
Kundalini - The Mother Power |
1992 |
Chinmoy, Sri |
My Lord's Secrets Revealed |
1998 |
Cirlot, J.E. |
Dictionary of Symbols |
1962 |
Collin, Rodney |
Theory of Celestial Influence |
1975 |
Collins, Mabel |
Light on the Path |
1949 |
Collins, Mabel |
When the Sun Moves Northward |
1948 |
Confucius |
Wisdom of Confucius (Lin Yutang, transl.) |
1943 |
Constas, Robert |
Death Does Not Exist (booklet) |
1979 |
Conze, Edward (ed.) |
Buddhist Texts Through the Ages |
1954 |
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. |
Hinduism and Buddhism |
1957 |
Cosgrove, Eugene Milne |
High Walk of Discipleship |
1945 |
Cosgrove, Eugene Milne |
Letters to a Disciple |
1935 |
Cosgrove, Eugene Milne |
Science of the Initiates |
1934 |
Cousins, Norman |
Anatomy of an Illness |
1979 |
Cousins, Norman |
Celebration of Life: Immortality and Infinity |
1974 |
Crampton, Martha |
Psychosynthesis: key aspects theory/practice (bklt) |
1977 |
Crawford, Ina |
Guide to the Mysteries |
1990 |
Crème, Benjamin |
Maitreya's Mission |
1990 |
Cruden, Alexander |
Complete Concordance to Holy Scriptures |
undated |
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly |
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience |
2008 |
Dabu, Dastur Khurshed S. |
Message of Zarathustra: Manual of Zoroastrianism |
1959 |
Dalai Lama |
The Art of Happiness |
1998 |
Dalton |
Tables of Houses (Astrology) |
Daly, H.E. & Cobb, J.B. Jr. |
For the Common Good |
1994 |
Das, Bhagavan |
Science of the Sacred Word (Pranava Vada) (pdf on CD) |
Davidson, Gordon |
Being the Open Door for the Reappearance (talk on CD) |
2006 |
Davidson, William M. |
Cardinal Cross: X-ray of the Soul (pamphlet) |
Davidson, William M. |
Proven Methods of Judging Horoscopes (pamphlet) |
Davis, James |
Astrology: Esoteric and Psychological |
1976 |
Davis, James & Raifsnider, J. |
Astrology of the Seven Rays |
1977 |
Davis, James |
Meditations on Planets in Signs |
2000 |
Davis, James |
Seven Faces of Man - Astrological Types |
1980 |
Davis, Lola A. |
Toward a World Religion for the New Age |
1983 |
Demotte, Charles |
Inner Side of History |
1997 |
DeRohan, Ceanne |
Original Cause |
1986 |
DeRohan, Ceanne |
Right Use of Will |
1984 |
Dhiravamsa, V.R. |
New Approach to Buddhism |
1972 |
Diamond, Louise |
Peace Book |
2001 |
Doane, Doris Chase |
Time Changes in the USA (Astrology) |
Dossey, Larry |
Meaning and Medicine |
1991 |
Dossey, Larry |
Recovering the Soul |
1989 |
Dossey, Larry |
Prayer is Good Medicine |
1996 |