Author |
Title |
Date |
Beck, D.E. & C.C. Cowan |
Spiral Dynamics |
2000 |
Beck, L. Adams |
Story of Oriental Philosophy |
1943 |
Beckham, Carole |
Cycles of Opportunity |
1998 |
Bendit, Lawrence & Phoebe |
Etheric Body of Man |
1977 |
Benoit, Hubert |
Supreme Doctrine: psychological studies in Zen thought |
1960 |
Berg, Philip S. |
Kabbalah for the Layman |
1987 |
Berges, John |
Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries: the Great Invocation |
1997 |
Besant, Annie |
Ancient Wisdom: outline of theosophical teachings |
1951 |
Besant, Annie |
Avataras (Four Lectures) |
1923 |
Besant, Annie |
Bhagavad Gita (her translation) |
1929 |
Besant, Annie |
Doctrine of the Heart (Extracts from Hindu letters) |
1947 |
Besant, Annie |
Esoteric Christianity |
1913 |
Besant, Annie |
Great Plan (Four Lectures) |
1921 |
Besant, Annie |
H.P. Blavatsky and the Masters of the Wisdom |
1907 |
Besant, Annie |
Karma |
1897 |
Besant, Annie |
Man and his Bodies |
1960 |
Besant, Annie |
Reincarnation |
1919 |
Besant, Annie |
Seven Principles of Man |
1979 |
Besant, Annie |
Study in Consciousness |
1959 |
Besant, Annie |
Study in Karma |
1918 |
Besant, Annie & Leadbeater |
Talks on the Path of Occultism, Vol. 1 |
1980 |
Besant, Annie |
Thought Power: its Control and Culture |
1918 |
Besant, Annie & Leadbeater |
Thought-Forms |
1948 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Alchemy and the Secret Doctrine |
1927 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Abridgement of the Secret Doctrine |
1968 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Collected Writings (1883) |
1950 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Isis Unveiled (Vols. 1 and 2) |
1972 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Key to Theosophy |
1946 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Personal Memoirs of H.P. Blavatsky (Neff) |
1937 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Practical Occultism |
1923 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Secret Doctrine, Vol. 1: Cosmogenesis |
1928 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2: Anthropogenesis |
1928 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Secret Doctrine, Vol. 3 and index |
1928 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Stanzas of Dzyan |
undated |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Theosophical Glossary |
1930 |
Blavatsky, H.P. |
Voice of the Silence (1889) |
1947 |
Bloom, William |
Meditation in a Changing World |
1987 |
Boeke, Kees |
Cosmic View: the Universe in 40 Jumps |
1957 |
Bolen, Jean Shinoda |
Tao of Psychology |
1982 |
Boone, J. Allen |
Kinship with all Life |
1954 |
Boyce, Kathryn |
Life's True Purpose |
1987 |
Braden, Gregg |
Isaiah Effect |
2000 |
Bragdon, Claude |
Yoga for You |
1953 |
Brahmin, F.T.S. |
Some Thoughts on the Gita |
1893/1983 |
Bronsted, Niels |
Meditation; Royal Road to the Soul |
2004 |
Brown, Sarah Leigh |
Cosmic Fire Revealed; guide to Treatise on Cosmic Fire |
2001 |
Brunton, Paul |
Wisdom of the Overself |
1943 |
Buber, Martin |
I and Thou |
1953 |
Buber, Martin |
Writings of Martin Buber |
1956 |
Bucke, Richard Maurice |
Cosmic Consciousness |
1951 |
Buddha |
Dhammapada of the Lord Buddha (Muller, F. Max) |
1911 |
Buddha |
Some Sayings of the Buddha (Woodward, transl.) |
1945 |
Buddha |
Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha (Burtt) |
1955 |
Bull, Evelyn Benham |
Music Therapy: Its Future (booklet) |
1964 |
Burmester, Helen |
Seven Rays Made Visual |
1986 |
Bütz, Jeffrey J. |
Brother of Jesus and the Lost Teachings of Christianity |
2005 |