For students of the School for Esoteric Studies, the esoteric discipleship training process is as follows:
- A lesson booklet is sent out, with a suggested period of time for study.
- The student meditates daily according to the provided instructions and format, and reports on his or her experiences with the meditation at the end of each month.
- The student studies the assigned material daily and then submits a written paper or papers as specified for the lesson.
- The student receives a personal commentary on each written paper and report submitted in support of his or her process, providing suggestions and answering any questions.
- When the final lesson paper for a lesson is received, a new lesson booklet is sent.
Please note that the lesson sets alone are not sufficient; the purchase of some study books is necessary if they are not available through your local library. (The School itself does not sell books, but for your convenience many of the needed books may be ordered from
Students are expected to set their own pace in the work and take as long as is needed to complete a particular lesson in a meaningful way. Progress depends upon application in daily living, regularity in meditation, faithful study and, especially, a willingness to experiment, to undertake the disciplines necessary to verify by personal experience the truth of the teaching.
Students may remain in the School for as long or short a time as desired. The evolution of consciousness requires an open-ended time commitment to allow for the multifaceted aspects involved in individual spiritual growth. Those who gain the most are those who become lifelong students, helping others along the way as they continue to advance.