Full Moon Meditation Approach

"The twelve annual Festivals will constitute a revelation of divinity."

Sign Date / UTC Keynote
Aries 08 April 2020 / 02:35 I come forth, and from the plane of mind I rule.
Taurus 07 May 2020 / 10:45 I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.
Gemini 05 June 2020 / 19:12 I recognize my other self, and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.
Cancer 05 July 2020 / 04:44 I build a lighted house and therein dwell.
Leo 03 Aug. 2020 / 15:59 I am That, and That I am.
Virgo 02 Sep. 2020 / 05:22 I am the Mother and the Child; I God, I matter am.
Libra 01 Oct. 2020 / 21:05 I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.
Scorpio 31 Oct. 2020 / 14:49 Warrior am I, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.
Sagittarius 30 Nov. 2020 / 09:30 I see the goal. I reach that goal and see another.
Capricorn 10 Jan. 2020 / 07:23
30 Dec. 2020 / 03:28
Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.
Aquarius 09 Feb. 2020 / 07:34 Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity.
Pisces 09 Mar. 2020 / 05:48 I leave the Father's Home and turning back, I save.

To calculate the Full Moon date/time in your local time zone, click here.

In addition to these aids for the full moon meditation, you may also want to look at our section on Reflective Meditations. It contains two reflective meditations given by The Tibetan:

Major Spiritual Festivals, which are celebrated through our Subjective Group Conference and Festival Talks:

Festival of Easter Aries full moon
Festival of Wesak Taurus full moon
Festival of Goodwill Gemini full moon

The New Group of World Servers works in a three-year cycle, beginning at the Taurus full moon:

2020 Crisis/Consolidation
2021 Tension/Expansion
2022 Emergence/Impact on public consciousness

The Festival of the New Group of World Servers is celebrated every seven years from December 21 to 28. The next NGWS festival is December 21-28, 2019.

"The Soul's meditation is rhythmic and cyclic in Its nature as is all else in the cosmos. The Soul breathes and Its form lives thereby. The rhythmic nature of the Soul's meditation must not be overlooked in the life of the aspirant. There is an ebb and flow in all nature, and in the tides of the ocean we have a wonderful picture of an eternal law... the idea of a cyclic response to Soul impulses lies back of the activities of a morning meditation, a noonday recollection, and an evening review. A larger ebb and flow is also indicated in the two aspects of the full moon and the new moon." (Alice A. Bailey)