December 2 The group begins to study Rule Three. Beginning with The Tibetan's commentary on Life, Sensitivity and Creativity, the discussion segues into the significance of the "bright center" in the Rule (Shamballa). The group, responsive to the Purpose, protects the initiate, responsive to the Plan, from the terrific potencies that emanate from Shamballa. This leads to a discussion of the two divisions of the Members of the Council at Shamballa - the Registrants of the Purpose and the Custodians of the Will - and how their roles may be reflected among initiates and disciples.
November 26 AAB reads the Tibetan's commentary on a portion of Rule Two and initiates a discussion of three important points: the protection the disciple receives from the Ashram, the three great demands made by the disciple, and the significance of the words "forward move."
November 19 This talk starts off continuing the theme of the last talk – the Sacred Word – but with AAB confessing that she doesn’t find the use of it practical and asking for help from her students and co-workers! She continues to read from the then-new pages by the Tibetan on Rule Two for group initiation. Two themes emerge: of seeing life in terms of ever enlarging wholes and of working from group to group rather than from individual to individual. The group then deals with the profound meaning of the advanced disciple’s task of visualizing the Soul controlling the energy centers, rather than falling back on the beginner’s job of controlling the mind, emotions, and physical body. The key: understanding the unique role of etheric substance.
November 12 This talk continues with a focus on the first phrase of Rule Two: The Word has now gone forth... The topic this time is a most challenging one, even for AAB: the Sacred Word. DK's profound text dissects the distinction between AUM and OM, and then discusses the next step: the Sound. This stimulates one of the most interesting discussions to date, focusing on the creative nature of sound, how to use the Sacred Word effectively, and the importance of vocal training in using the Word and Sound creatively. We find that both AAB and RK have studied singing seriously and that, because of the nerve structure of the pharynx, singing can "take you into the higher realms."
November 5 In this talk AAB begins reading from Rule Two. The meaning of spiritual tension is discussed; then she elaborates on DK's comparison between the statements in Rule Two for aspirants and those in Rule Two for disciples, eliciting a lively group discussion. Tension is emphasized as an important element in helping esoteric students overcome blocks in their studies. Foster Bailey makes a powerful appeal to raise money for Hierarchical purposes and explains how that can be achieved through tension, visualization, and use of the will. His words have a galvanizing effect on the group.
October 29 Continuing with the Tibetan's commentary on Rule One, this talk and class discussion remain more tightly focused than usual. Perhaps that is because everybody finds DK's chief topics - the clear cold light, the burning ground, the Dweller on the Threshold, and the Angel of the Presence - evocative and mysterious. The discussion is particularly intense concerning the group equivalent of each of these discipleship passages.
October 22 This talk includes extensive readings from Master DK's summarizing comments on the Fourteen Rules. Here he confronts the basic question: What is group initiation? His answer leads to AAB's theory regarding students who have dropped out of the Arcane School during the War. She also expresses her sense of failure in the School's use of the second part of the Great Invocation - of failing to "stand with massed intent." "We used it because we wanted to be obedient," she adds, "and that is not the way to get results." DK introduces three forms of interpretation of the Rules that challenge the group of students and keeps them more tightly focused than usual.
October 15 Using DK's commentary on Rule One, this discussion hones in on two instructions. What practical meaning is carried in the statement that the basic attitude of the would-be initiate is one of purpose governed by pure reason and working out in spiritual activity? Second, AAB asks how one can live an invocative life, in the context of the statement, "when your life is fundamentally invocative, then there will come the evocation of the will." The conversation concludes with a consideration of the relative power of goodwill and evil in the context of the ongoing World War.
October 8 This talk continues with Rule One for Group Initiation. The third sentence is under consideration, and the group relates the concept of "cold light" to each burning ground being "colder and clearer" than the preceding one. Initiation, group purpose, and contact with spiritual energy as opposed to Soul energy dominate this discussion.
October 1 The big question in this discussion is: What is the inner purpose of this group? While leading and deepening the group's thinking on that question, AAB admits that she doesn't know. The group as a whole, using Rule One and DK's related teachings, seeks to intuit the answer. Those present, in trying to function as an invocative group, produce the most focused discussion thus far.
September 24 Basing this discussion on Rule One, AAB talks about the meaning of initiation, particularly in group formation. She also emphasizes the sacrifices involved in working in a Master's ashram. The concept of Purpose is related to the burning ground, and those present strive to put into words the purpose of the School group. 
September 17 AAB and the student group begin a new cycle of talks focusing on the 14 Rules for Group Initiation that DK was dictating at the time. They use the introductory material as a basis for diagnosing and correcting the recent "slump" in the Arcane School.