Atualmente estas páginas estão disponíveis apenas em inglês, italiano e espanhol. Apreciaríamos a ajuda de membros da comunidade esotérica que pudessem traduzi-las para o português.
Spiritual engagement is not only about personal spiritual development but also about living the reality of the One Soul in everyday life, about clarity on the inner plane and application of spiritual principles on the outer plane. At a time when our communal and political environment is becoming increasingly toxic and polarized, we need to find constructive ways to confront and denounce the harmful actions being perpetrated.
We are using the term "inclusive social action" to refer to "intentional action to stop specific violence in a manner that does not further divisiveness." This intentional action must take the hateful dynamics seriously and dismantle them without further intensifying them. We must be willing and able to say, "This is not acceptable!" "Enough is enough!" "No more!"
All too often we focus only on what we can do to facilitate growth, enhance constructive contributions, provide positive role models, and support others with loving energy. While living as a positive example is important, it is also critical that we stand resolute in preventing harm. We cannot stand idly by, simply thinking positive thoughts, or we become complicit in the harm being done.
To help people identify actions they can take, the School for Esoteric Studies is developing a series of White Papers to stimulate thought, discussion, and action. You are welcome to link to and distribute these White Papers, with attribution to the School. If you wish to include a summary of a White Paper in your group newsletter, you will find suggested summaries at White Paper Summaries.
- Inclusive Social Action
Emphasizes the importance of recognizing when projecting loving energy actually fuels, rather than prevents, harmful action. Discusses the need to notice harm being generated both by commission and omission, to evaluate the ethics of behavior we observe, and the necessity of practicing detachment and positive harmlessness. Preparing for Inclusive Social Action
Explores the ways that we can prepare ourselves to notice and act when intentional harm is occurring, including the need to ground action in compassion rather than vengeance, strengthening our identification with those being harmed by expanding our "circle of care," and rehearsing actions we could take.Implementing Inclusive Social Action
Examines types of situations requiring action, ensuring that language used is not itself harmful, and types of actions that stop or prevent harm without further divisiveness.
We wish to thank all of our colleagues who have responded to this Call to Action already, and we are posting the comments we receive at Dialogue on Inclusive Social Action.
We are also eager to work with others on collective strategies moving forward. As a first step, we will be developing a Tool Kit of practical actions with Spirit Fire. Colleagues have also raised the possibility of convening an intergroup task force on this topic.
Please share with us any further suggestions or ideas for collaboration on similar topics, writing to: