Atualmente estas páginas estão disponíveis apenas em inglês, italiano e espanhol. Apreciaríamos a ajuda de membros da comunidade esotérica que pudessem traduzi-las para o português.
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In addition to training courses, the School for Esoteric Studies provides a range of ways to reflect on spiritual purpose in everyday life. Please engage with us through any or all of the following media and send your thoughts and suggestions to
Click here for our latest video or to access a listing of all of our videos.
eNews is a brief, quarterly online newsletter published by the School for Esoteric Studies as an initiative to strengthen the work of the New Group of World Servers by focusing on group service around the world. We invite everybody in the esoteric community, particularly the School members and friends, to subscribe and contribute actively by submitting material and suggestions. If you would like our eNews sent directly to you each quarter, please email your request to us at:
Spirit Fire Radio is a collaboration between the School for Esoteric Studies and Spirit Fire. Tune in weekly, Wednesdays at noon Pacific time, to join co-hosts Dorothy Riddle and Steve Kramer in talking (in English) about applying spiritual concepts in everyday living. The fourth Wednesday of each month they will answer questions emailed in to from our listeners, so participate! Listen live or listen at your leisure to programs in our archives. The program will resume May 2, 2018.
Radio Mantra carries a weekly half-hour show with two School for Esoteric Studies members as co-hosts, Miguel Malagreca and Angela Barrera, in Spanish on Mondays at 12:30 UTC. Listen live or listen at your leisure to programs in our archives.
Space of the Soul is a series of short YouTube presentations in Italian. The shows are co-hosted by Carla Venturini and Miguel Malagreca, members of the School for Esoteric Studies, and include guests from different fields. Listen at your leisure.