Atualmente estas páginas estão disponíveis apenas em inglês, italiano e espanhol. Apreciaríamos a ajuda de membros da comunidade esotérica que pudessem traduzi-las para o português.
Newsletters, Journals, and Bulletins
The following organizations send out periodic newsletters, online journals or bulletins of interest to the esoteric community. Click and sign up.
Carries positive and constructive news from all over the world relating to voluntary work, the work of the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, and institutions engaged in improving the quality of life.
From Joann S. Bakula, Ph.D. Request via email.
A monthly inspirational newsletter published at the time of the full moon in English, French, German, Spanish.
New Group of World Servers Journal
A Journal that celebrates and shares the stories of those who are working to change the collective dream and build a new world in which our essential oneness is recognized - and the common goal is the Common Good.
School for Esoteric Studies eNews
eNews is a brief, quarterly online newsletter published by the School for Esoteric Studies. eNews is an initiative to strengthen the work of the New Group of World Servers by focusing on group service around the world. Sections include news regarding the School's activities, service initiatives around the world, reflections from the School's members and others, short reviews of publications, and inspirational quotes. We invite everybody in the esoteric community, particularly School members and friends, to subscribe and contribute actively by submitting material and suggestions to
he School for Esoteric Studies is interested in collaborating with other esoteric groups whose purposes and goals are in alignment with those of the School. A very basic way in which we can collaborate is to share information between groups through website links. If you are interested in creating a reciprocal link, please let us know. Below are the organizations with whom we currently have reciprocal links. If your website has an active link to the School and is not listed here, please let us know for inclusion on the page.
We are also interested in more active collaboration. Please see our website section on Intergroup Collaboration and contact us if you are interested in creating such an initiative.
Dedicated to a renaissance of the science of the fifth element - etheric energy. The goal is to build a bridge between modern science, unconventional scientific discoveries, and the Ageless Wisdom teachings.
The Arcana Workshops strive to provide the training, the atmosphere, the companionship and service opportunities necessary to "link Hierarchical intent with human aspiration."
Brisbane Goodwill acknowledges the fact of the One Soul of Humanity and promotes the use of goodwill to bring about Right Human Relations amongst all people of the world. It also encourages the creation and distribution of esoteric ideas and thought in order to seed the human mind with the Light and Fire of the Mind of God, thus preparing it to receive the illuminating rays of the returning Christ or Love aspect.
Center for Visionary Leadership
The Center was founded in 1996 as a non-denominational, non-partisan educational center to help people develop the inner resources to be effective leaders and respond creatively to change.
Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom
Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom is a 5-year residential education program. The core of the curriculum is training in the art and science of meditation.
Created by New Zealand esoteric astrologer Phillip Lindsay, this site offers contributions from leading thinkers in the field. Through articles and essays that explore the many hints given on the subject, this rich resource is continually building as a ready reference for all students. There are many sides to esoteric astrology, also called the "science of all sciences."
A place to access good news and uplifting stories of what individuals and groups are doing to better our world. Based on the understanding that energy follows thought, we offer these positive human endeavors in an attempt to appeal to humanity's higher nature. Our sincere wish is for all of us to be involved in positive activities that speak to us and engage our individual sensibilities. By doing so we will rise to realize our highest potential, and in the process make the world the kind of place we want to live in.
Services: Provides information on starting a full moon meditation group; provides groups worldwide an opportunity to list their full moon meditations; provides individuals worldwide a place to find a full moon meditation group; provides links to websites with additional information about full moon meditations.
Institute for Planetary Synthesis
A service organization, headquartered in Geneva and on the roster of the UN Economic and Social Council, that aims to coordinate service work around the world.
The Lorian Association is a not-for-profit educational organization. Its work is to help people bring the joy, healing, and blessings of their personal spirituality into their everyday lives. This spirituality unfolds out of their unique lives and relationships to Spirit, by whatever name or in whatever form that Spirit is recognized.
The Association offers several avenues for spiritual learning, development and participation for those interested in deepening into their unique, sovereign Self and Spirit, such as face-to-face workshops, online classes, long-term training, Masters degree program (MCS), publishing, the America Project - World Work, and mentoring.
This link accesses the four main activities of the Trust: The Arcane School, Lucis Publishing Companies, World Goodwill and Triangles. In addition, this large website offers a number of other services to students of the Ageless Wisdom.
The purpose of this website is to continue the creation and maintenance of a world wide group of meditators. Through their meditation and service they will help humanity to understand, and eventually embody, the Laws and Principles which are destined to guide humanity through the Age of Aquarius.
New Group of World Servers Website
The purpose of the website is to provide a space on the World Wide Web for the listing of all identifiable groups of the New Group of World Servers. People from all walks and all levels of the human panorama are members of these groups. They are to be found literally everywhere on the planet, involved in literally every aspect of planetary life. The service rendered by individuals and groups of this kind of consciousness is practical, inclusive, and lovingly motivated. The website includes an e-zine, a listing of world servers and serving groups, and a global list of full moon meetings.
The PATH Foundation helps people awaken to their spiritual nature and discover their unique and inherent soul gifts in order to serve in their chosen field. This is done through guidance, training and counseling, using spiritual and esoteric psychology, astrology, teaching and healing.
A complete source of spiritual information and services. Provides books, tapes, and seminars, daily drawing, and forums for spiritual seekers worldwide. Also provides a guide to monthly full moon meditations.
A division of the Theosophical Society, Quest publishes books on the Ageless Wisdom, Eastern spirituality, and related topics. Prominent among the offerings are the landmark works by H.P. Blavatsky. The website is a rich browsing experience that includes pictures from the books and page and chapter samplings.
The Seven Ray Institute and the University of the Seven Rays serve as vehicles for the presentation of the Ageless Wisdom teachings at this time of preparation for the return of the World Teacher. Their work includes in-depth classes on the Ageless Wisdom teachings and esoteric astrology, online classes and study groups, musical recordings and a celebrated annual conference.
Based in New Zealand, Simply Sacred offers books on the Ageless Wisdom and astrology, plus a range of posters and cards on the Seven Rays, the astrological signs, Rules for White Magic, etc. Also available are services such as correspondence courses, web design and transformational consultation.
The Sundial House Group and the International Group for Creative Meditation offer a correspondence course in creative meditation and advance education in the natural Laws and Principles of everyday living through talks and workshops. For a small fee, the website provides recordings of talks by Roberto Assagioli.
Supporting Spiritual Development
A portal linking to over 650 groups, initiatives, and resources that support a quantum shift in human consciousness and individual spiritual growth.
Supporting Values-Conscious Business
A portal linking to over 350 groups, initiatives, and resources that support integrating spirituality and ethics into business practices.
The Theosophical Society is composed of students, belonging to any religion in the world or to none, who are united by their approval of the Society's Objects, by their wish to remove religious antagonisms and to draw together people of goodwill whatsoever their religious opinions, and by their desire to study religious truths and to share the results of their studies with others.
This web site promotes the use of the Triangles work as a service activity for the Christian population. It features a link to a "forerunner" website, which links words and phrases in the Great Invocation to related Biblical passages.
A website dedicated to promoting the service of Triangles and helping individuals establish active Triangles as a service activity. It also functions as a message center for members of Triangles.
The UN is a cooperative organization of 189 member nations that is central to global efforts to solve problems which challenge humanity. Cooperating in this effort are more than 30 affiliated organizations, known together as the UN system.
Ageless Wisdom resources, including articles, presentations, and workshops by John Nash, long-time student of the Tibetan Master.
This website was launched with the publication of When the Soul Awakens, a book written to make the Ageless Wisdom accessible to a wide audience of seekers. The site also provides a forum for contributors to share the fruits of spiritual experience in the light of the wisdom teachings.
Articles on the Will and important symbols. In French and English.
An international network of Ageless Wisdom groups committed to developing intergroup relationships, cooperation and synthetic subjective work. We have been meeting each year since 1996 during one of the Three Spiritual Festivals in various locations around the world including the five planetary centers of New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo.