Atualmente estas páginas estão disponíveis apenas em inglês, italiano e espanhol. Apreciaríamos a ajuda de membros da comunidade esotérica que pudessem traduzi-las para o português.
The School for Esoteric Studies intends to collaborate with any other esoteric group whose work is grounded in the Ageless Wisdom teachings and whose purpose is to serve as an outpost of the Spiritual Hierarchy in implementing the Plan for Humanity. That collaboration will include, but is not limited to:
- Understanding the mission, strategic priorities, and unique strengths of the other group and communicating our own.
- Initiating cooperative activities that evoke and strengthen goodwill in areas in which our mandates are complementary.
- Encouraging the contributions of identified “bridge” members in forming joint initiatives, with the understanding that their main allegiance is to their primary esoteric group.
- Engaging in strategic discussions of common issues and challenges in activating goodwill and working to implement the Plan for Humanity (such as addressing different types of glamour, or helping youth who are used to continuous multi-media stimulation to develop the focus and concentration needed for meditation).
- Respecting the proprietary materials and initiatives of the other group and helping to ensure the successful contributions of both that group and our own.
Collaboration by the School as a Group
The Board of Directors shall determine whether or not a particular esoteric group is an appropriate collaboration partner after reviewing the mission and priorities of each group. At a minimum, SES will enter into a dialogue with the potential partner to clarify the missions, strategic priorities, and unique strengths of each group and then to identify possible areas of collaboration. If appropriate, that collaboration will be mentioned on the School’s website, Facebook page, and eNews. In addition, SES will include the partner group in School communications, ensure that there is a current website link, and keep the partner group informed of new activities and possibilities for collaboration.
Collaboration Through School "Bridge" Members
School members willing to act as "bridge" members are expected to:
- Verify with the School that the other group is an appropriate partner group and formally identify themselves as a "bridge."
- Communicate to the Board the mission, strategic priorities, and unique strengths of the partner group.
- Communicate to the partner group the mission, strategic priorities, and unique strengths of the School.
- Be familiar with the School’s website material on the School as a Group Project and refer members of the partner group to the School’s website.
- Remain sensitive to the manner in which the partner group functions and any cultural differences (particularly those regarding individualism-collectivism).
- Provide periodic reports to the Board regarding collaborative activities and suggest possible implications for the School and/or for future collaboration.
Collaboration Through "Bridge" Members from the Partner Group
"Bridge" members from partner groups are requested to:
- Formally identify themselves to the School as a "bridge" member interested in participating in School initiatives but with a primary allegiance elsewhere.
- Communicate to the Board the mission, strategic priorities, and unique strengths of the partner group.
- Communicate to their own group the mission, strategic priorities, and unique strengths of the School.
- Suggest areas for further collaboration as appropriate.
Possible Cooperative Activities
Cooperative activities could include activities such as the following:
- Co-sponsor public events such as conferences, workshops
- Create synergy or inter-group meetings to discuss issues of common concern
- Co-edit publications