Atualmente estas páginas estão disponíveis apenas em inglês, italiano e espanhol. Apreciaríamos a ajuda de membros da comunidade esotérica que pudessem traduzi-las para o português.
The School for Esoteric Studies offers the following as a partner group:
Purpose: Provide structured, sequenced esoteric discipleship training, grounded in the Ageless Wisdom teachings and designed to produce World Servers.
Strengths: A carefully-sequenced series of courses (which integrate meditation, study and service), with particular emphasis on study beyond the probationary level. Courses offered in English, Italian, and Spanish.
Complementary to groups specializing in creative meditation, introductory coursework on the Ageless Wisdom teachings, specific topics not offered by SES, study in languages other than English, Italian, or Spanish.
Seeking collaboration to co-sponsor events and co-edit publications.
If your group is interested in collaborating with the School for Esoteric Studies, please download our flyer on intergroup collaboration.
The following are esoteric groups with whom the School has entered into a formal collaborative agreement:
Agni Yoga Study Group (in Spain)
- To publish the School's Full Moon talks, Festival talks and articles in their newsletter "From the Heart."
Asociación Vicente Beltrán Anglada (in Spain)
- To translate some of the writtings and promote the work of Vicente Beltrán Anglada.
Bolivia Arcana (in Bolivia)
- To promote the Alice Bailey talks and announce the posting of new talks.
Brazilian Unit of Service (in Brazil)
- To promote the Alice Bailey talks and announce talks that have been translated into Portuguese.
Centre de Formation en Équilibration Énergétique (in Canada)
- To promote the Cleansing Initiative in French.
Network of Group Triangles (in Argentina)
- To jointly create material on spiritual principles and laws for a weekly program on Radio Mantra FM (Mondays 9 am).
- To produce joint publications on the group network of triangles.
Nikolaos Lymperopoulos (in Greece)
- To promote and translate the Alice Bailey talks into Greek and announce the posting of new talks.
Psychosynthesis Counseling (in Italy)
- To develop and maintain a library in Turin, Italy of books in Italian on the Ageless Wisdom, psychosynthesis, and related metaphysical topics.
Russian Fund for Goodwill (in Russia)
- To promote and translate the Alice Bailey talks into Russian and announce the posting of new talks.