Atualmente estas páginas estão disponíveis apenas em inglês, italiano e espanhol. Apreciaríamos a ajuda de membros da comunidade esotérica que pudessem traduzi-las para o português.
The School for Esoteric Studies makes esoteric discipleship training available to people in all walks of life and in all countries of the world. We have a long-standing policy of not turning away a student due to inability to contribute financially. This is a potentially risky policy, but one that is in line with spiritual teachings. However, we urge students and members of the broader esoteric community to keep in mind that the flow of spiritual energy involves giving as well as receiving and to consider regular donations to support our work.
Donations made to the School for Esoteric Studies support the work of the Spiritual Hierarchy at a causal level. In addition to individual esoteric discipleship training, the work of the School contributes to:
- Growth in group consciousness, contributing to the critical mass of human consciousness necessary to redeem the planet.
- Increased individual and group service in our communities and in the world.
- A spiritual subjective forum within which to create positive thoughtforms in service to the Plan and maintain a vitally needed mental focus.
Incorporated in the State of North Carolina, the School functions on an entirely non-profit basis and is tax-exempt. Donations and bequests are deductible under the tax laws of the United States and many other countries. Please consider one or more of the following donation methods:
- Check, electronic funds transfer, or money order.
- Clicking on the donate button to make a secure donation through PayPal. You can send money using a credit card, checking account or funds already in your PayPal account, if you have one. Signing up for a PayPal account is not required, however. Donations are free of charge to the donor.
- Other forms of planned giving that provide tax advantages:
- Charitable remainder trust (set aside a portion of your estate for the School while receiving life income from the gift)
- Gift of appreciated property such as stocks or real estate
- Life insurance, via:
- A charitable bequest plan (making the School the beneficiary).
- A charitable gift plan (making the School the beneficiary & owner).
- A charity ownership plan (leveraging donations into an endowment).
Financial information about the School for Esoteric Studies and a copy of its solicitation license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-919-807-2214. The solicitation license (required to request donations) is not an endorsement by the State.
Online donations to the School for Esoteric Studies are processed through PayPal by clicking the button below. PayPal is a safe online service used worldwide that enables you to make donations from your PC and mobile devices. To send your donation, you can use your Pay Pal account or your credit/debit card. PayPal will complete the transaction without sharing your financial details. PayPal will display the currency used in your country and will send you an email confirmation with a transaction number for your records. You are not charged any fees for your donation; the amount you enter is the total amount that will be deducted from your credit or debit card.
Click here for more information on how the training is financed.