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March 31 In this talk, AAB uses Master DK's mention of esoteric schools as a springboard for her own insights about occult schools versus esoteric schools. She states her belief that occult schools are the preparatory schools described in Letters on Occult Meditation and would include the Arcane School. True esoteric schools will emerge in the future and are the advanced schools mentioned in that book. In continuing with Rule Five, AAB focuses on achieving synthesis and emphasizes Master DK's words on the great importance of visualization in the process. This stimulates a wide-ranging and exceptionally creative discussion.
March 24 AAB reads the two demands of Rule Five and then DK's discussion of them: to build the Antahkarana and to develop the sense of synthesis. These two points, and their myriad associations, occupy the group for the entire session, during which many creative insights emerge.
March 17 AAB now turns to Rule Five and begins to read the Tibetan's commentary on it. DK's words focus on the demand to move together as a group into an Ashram and the need for all members to develop sensitivity to impression. AAB illustrates the challenge by citing her own experience recording the Tibetan's thoughts. Sensitivity to impression is crucial because, as AAB says, "an Ashram is a silent place." Although the Master is nearby, He doesn't lecture or hand out materials. He just creates thoughtforms.
March 10 Can you define what the Will-to-Good really is? AAB admits that she can't. In this final discussion of Rule Four, the group attempts to sort out some of the Tibetan's most challenging teachings dealing with Monadic consciousness and the three principal Wills: the Will-to-be, the Will-to-Good, and the Will-to-know. The Will-to-Good, as the middle principle here, can only be created by a strong Will-to-be and Will-to-know.
March 3 The group continues the discussion of Rule Four. The following statement by Master DK stimulates considerable discussion: "In this Rule two main ideas are to be found, both of them connected with the first divine aspect: the thought of Death and the nature of the Will." AAB adds to the mix that death and initiation go together. What is it then that dies?
February 25 The discussion returns to Rule Four, and tackles the challenging sentences that symbolically describe the superseding of the individual disciple's consciousness with the consciousness of the group. One pithy comment offered by AAB: "If this group here really understood the significance of what the Tibetan is saying, we would not be sitting here applying these things to ourselves and wondering whether we understood. We would be occupied with something so much beyond that that I don't know how to express it."
February 18 This evening AAB continues with the topic of the previous meeting: the ongoing work of the Christ, as described by the Tibetan in the introduction to Rule Four. The topic is huge in that it includes the initiations played out symbolically in the life of Jesus, so the group is supremely challenged to weave together the many threads of the teaching into a comprehensible pattern. There are moments of floundering and also moments of startling insight.
February 4 In this talk, AAB turns to Rule Four, reading the introductory material by Master DK on the work of the Christ. DK writes at one point, "He remains with us as God the Preserver." AAB spends most of the rest of the conversation trying to elicit from the students a good answer to her question, "What is the Christ preserving?" The group is severely tested to come up with an answer that satisfies AAB. Does she herself have an answer? Read on and find out!
January 28 AAB initiates this discussion with the final phrase of Rule Three. The conversation that emerges is one of the most interesting so far in that it centers around the Tibetan's teachings on "initiate consciousness" and how consciousness itself will eventually yield to the next stage, which He calls "identification." The discussion concludes with the three great energies focused in Shamballa - the Will to purification, the Will to destruction, and the Will to organization.
January 21 The discussion returns to the rules for group initiation. AAB continues reading from Rule Three. A couple of stimulating ideas emerge, generating much discussion. One is that humanity, for the first time, has become spiritually invocative of the next higher kingdom in nature. The other is a numerological analysis of the word "Shamballa," one of only two discussion on numerology that the Tibetan left us.
January 14 This evening's discussion centers around the Tibetan's article "What is an Esoteric School," subsequently published in the Appendix of An Unfinished Autobiography. AAB reads extensively from the first part, and the group then discusses the implications for the Arcane School - especially the question as to whether the article should be given to entering students.
January 7 In this first meeting in the new year of 1944, AAB temporarily departs from the study of the Rules and instead seeks to evaluate whether the group meetings are serving an esoteric purpose and whether the individuals involved are measuring up to the opportunity. Readings from DINA 2 on the relationship of disciples to the Master and to the Ashram precipitate a searching discussion about the implications of Master DK's statements on the future of the study group.