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June 2 | For this last talk before the summer hiatus, AAB takes a break from the Rules for Group Initiation in order to plan summer study activity. Since The Tibetan stated that the outstanding note of the Hierarchy is the will to love, AAB recommends that the students make a study of the will, seeking definitions and making a compilation. With the approach of the Festival of the Christ in mind, she reads some of Master DK's writings on the Christ and the Buddha that stress the will aspect. |
May 19 | The group takes up the sixth Rule again, and AAB reads the remainder of the Tibetan's commentary on it. This deals with the sixth and seventh kingdoms in nature, a topic incomprehensible even to advanced disciples (as well as to AAB, as she admits). Nevertheless, DK's thoughts are so potent and communicative that the group has a lively time exploring "evolution without form." |
May 12 | With this talk, the group begins a consideration of Rule Seven. The subject matter of the rule for applicants, as well as the one for disciples and initiates, is the individual reaching the Master in the one case and the group reaching toward Shamballa in the other case. This stimulates a penetrating discussion as to why students are not more conscious of the nner-plane relationship with the Master. Of great interest is AAB's personal experience with group meditative potency and the glow she could see in Master KH's portrait when the group's invocative power was sufficient to get His attenion. |
April 28 | Having completed Rule Five last week, this evening AAB covers the entirety of the Tibetan's discussion of Rule Six, which begins with a statement regarding the One Life. She echoes the Tibetan in asserting that this is an overused term since nobody, including she herself, knows what "One Life" means. But fortunately Master DK defines it! The discussion moves on to the difference between preparing for the second and for the third initiation, knowing where one stands on the Path, and finally cultivating, through the use of the intuition, some small awareness of the sixth and seventh kingdoms in nature. |
April 21 | This week AAB takes up the second of the two "demands" set forth in Rule Five. This deals with synthesis, and AAB kicks off the discussion with the theory (supported by the Tibetan) that large groups or masses of people have a clearer sense of synthesis than do individuals. Master DK's commentary on synthesis stimulates an enthusiastic discussion centering around individual and group integration, with the Soul and with the Spiritual Triad. |
April 14 | On this evening, the group begins to read and discuss the Fifth Rule. This Rule consists of two demands made by Shamballa to the Hierarchy to safeguard the Mysteries and prevent a premature precipitation of the Hierarchical life on Earth. The first demand, covered in this meeting, specifies that the groups being prepared for initiation should consist only of those who are in process of building the Antahkarana. The Tibetan's commentary presents this discipleship challenge in such vivid terms that even AAB expresses some discouragement over the limitations of her achievements! |