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November 16 | AAB focuses on Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 1, pp. 1-7, and its emphasis on group relationships within an Ashram. She emphasizes that becoming a disciple is linked to world service, not acceptance by a Master. The extensive group discussion centers around the characteristics that support group work such as decentralization, impressionability, impersonality, a sense of proportion, integrative capacity, detachment. AAB also comments on the importance of Ashramic work being under the direction of Second Ray Masters because they are inclusive and work with all the rays. |
June 2 | This talk was by Foster Bailey, standing in for AAB who had sustained a mild heart attack that afternoon. Not surprisingly, his emphasis was placed on the strain that AAB, the Arcane School, and indeed all of humanity had been under during those trying times in the final phase of the World War. The San Francisco Conference was approaching (the creation of the United Nations Charter) amid enormous controversy, which spurred some discussion within the group. But FB apparently felt primary responsibility for reading the next installment from the Rules, and so spent most of the time reading Rule 11, which deals with the destruction of the causal body. |
April 20 | AAB and the group resume reading and discussing the Rules for Group Initiation, Rule 11. The topic here presented by The Tibetan deals with the four requirements for group initiation: the achieving of non-sentimental group interrelation; learning how to use the forces of destruction constructively; attaining the power to work as a miniature Hierarchy, thus exemplifying unity in diversity; and finally cultivating the potency of occult silence. The second point – using destruction constructively – is broken down into three things disciples must learn to do: kill out desire through lack of recognition; destroy the ties that link the personalities of group members; and root out all need for recognition. |
April 13 | AAB continues reading from Rule 10, in which the Tibetan offers a detailed discussion of the "Army of the Voice" and its relation to the advanced initiations and the Way of the Higher Evolution. This meeting is overshadowed by the death of FDR, which had occurred the day before, April 12. AAB offers a lengthy commentary on FDR as an initiate, and on the meaning of World War Two and the timing of FDR's sudden "departure" at this particular time. With the aid of the students' comments, the topics synthesize into a fine two-part teaching: a) Initiation as a Hierarchical teaching, and b) Initiation as demonstrated by global events. |
April 6 | This talk was a short one and was informally conducted. It is interesting primarily because AAB announced that the final stanza of the Great Invocation was ready (translated into English) and could be used as soon as peace was declared. (The Third Reich would be gone within the month.) There is also mention of the concurrent San Francisco Conference of the World Court, which ultimately became the United Nations. AAB had the Tibetan's Goodwill Festival message in hand and monitored a stimulating discussion about the coming spread of Hierarchical teachings following the War. |
March 9 | This talk is different, in that AAB took a break from reading new material on rules for group initiation in order to put epochal global events into perspective. There was a clear sense that the War was coming to an end in Europe, and the period of the three major full moon festivals was approaching. To her, this presented a great opportunity to "walk the talk," so she covers topics of leadership, initiation and penetrating the "veils of maya" as a kind of pep talk. Of special interest to us is the wartime devastation of esoteric work in England and Europe, and AAB's and FB's determination to return there after the war and help to resuscitate it |